Our Keepsake Journal is Here! 🎉

Last night, after I’d read the first half of the same two board books over and over to the twins and settled them in their cribs, I laced up my running shoes and ran out into the hot night. Dusk was collecting beneath the blackberry bushes and clusters of fireflies were testing their flashers in the tree line. Even the breeze, frothing up the treetops, felt like the opening of an oven on my face. I made it all the way around the lake before the path disappeared in the dark.

David had just finished reading Little House on the Prairie with the big kids when I got back with a handful of blackberries to share. Our oldest was leaning up against David, and our middle girl was asleep under a blanket.

Hard day, good day, great day, hard day. A friend said her mom takes her kids every Friday night so she and her husband can get a break. I don’t know how that makes me feel. We are a military family. And like all military families living far from home, missing loved ones, we cannot relate. 

He called me from Trader Joe’s this afternoon. “What’s this on the list—‘Lizzy’s favorite flower crackers’?” I described the package. It’s so romantic to me—he got home a little later with all the grocery bags. The big kids were watching a show downstairs and the twins were napping, so we drank coffee, put away groceries, and accidentally ate all the salsa we only meant to sample. We talked about some geo-political article I read, and about how many people thanked him for his service while he was shopping in his OCPs. 

Here is home. Here is family. Wherever we are together. 

It seems so obvious on days like this. I knew I would move with him anywhere when we were apart during Basic Military Training, writing letters every day. I knew he would read all the best books to our kids when he brought a copy of The Hobbit on a mountain hike while we were still in college. I knew from the beginning. Our life together would be hard and good and thrilling. I wasn’t wrong. 

This is my appreciation post for military spouses everywhere. Making life beautiful wherever they are sent. Loving hard. Hanging on tight. 

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Kristin Mangin

I’m Kristin Mangin, and I’m the playground mom who asks how old your kids are—not because I care about your kid’s ages, but because I want to connect with another mom. I’m the friend you text when it’s snowing because you know I love weather. Once, while running out to the car in the freezing rain, my toddler squinted up at the sky and said, “WOOOOW! What a BEAUTIFUL DAY!” My husband laughed, “She's YOU,” he said. That’s what my writing seeks to do. Connect with you and help you look up and see the beauty that is your life, right now, in this season.

What I Didn’t Know When I Became a Military Spouse

In: Living, Marriage
Military family

I’m going to be perfectly honest: I had no intention of leaving the state of Pennsylvania when I went to college. But God had other plans when I fell in love with someone who was serving in the military. I was resistant to the idea of the Army. It made me uncomfortable, and I felt like I had no say or control in our future. It was a life I didn’t know and frankly, at the time, didn’t want to know. RELATED: Things I’ve Learned From Being a Military Wife Now after 10 years as a military spouse I find...

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To The Military Spouse

In: Inspiration, Journal, Relationships
To The Military Spouse

For those who are new to becoming a military spouse, I write these words to you in hopes you will find comfort. It was inevitable that if I wanted a life with Jake, I would eventually have to leave all I knew behind. On January 1st, 2009, with the inception of a new year, I too was starting fresh. Moving away from family and friends was something I swore I would never do. So it took me by surprise, when I decided to not only take a graceful leap of faith that this new path paved out for me be the right...

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Things I’ve Learned From Being a Military Wife

In: Journal, Relationships
Things I’ve Learned From Being a Military Wife www.herviewfromhome.com

Are you sure you can handle being a military wife? A question that was actually posed to my 25-year-old self. How the heck would I have known what kind of wife I was ready to be? Seriously. Did other brides-to-be get asked similar questions? I’d never been a wife, for goodness sake. All I knew was I fell in love with a Man. Who was a Marine. Now, years later, I reflect back with such wonder. How the heck did we make it this far? Because what I didn’t know in my 20’s about being a military wife was… We...

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