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It’s the little things that get to you. 

The first time they pick up the sippy cup the right way. The first time they say, “I got it, Mom!” It’s when they sit down with a book and can turn the pages without asking for help. One day you’ll tell them it’s time to go outside, and before you know it, they’ve put their shoes on all by themselves. Albeit, on the wrong feet, but that’s alright. 

RELATED: My Mama Heart Isn’t Ready For You To Grow Up So Quickly

It’s the little things that get to you. 

It’s the first time they don’t need you to rock them to sleep.

It’s when they learn how to open a door by themselves. It’s when your littlest one is crying and before you can help them, the big sibling has already stepped in and quieted the baby. 

It’s the little things that get to you. 

It’s when they snuggle up with you just because. It’s when they can open a snack by themselves or actually tell you what they want to eat instead of you having to guess 20 times. It’s when they say thank you to a stranger without you prompting them. 

It’s the little things that get to you. 

Their little lives are so full of big moments we will remember forever, but I pray I never forget all the little things that took me by surprise.

RELATED: I Am The Keeper

It’s the little things that get to you.

Originally published on the author’s Facebook page

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Jordan Morgan

Wife & mama just winging this whole thing one day at a time. I have a love for words, travel, the South, family, Jesus, yoga, and a relaxing swing on the front porch. I try to find humor in all things and keep motherhood real – the good and the bad. My goal is to help women on the motherhood journey feel less alone. You can find me over on my blog at www.jordanmorgan.com on Facebook @jordanmorganwriter or on instagram @mamayogatn

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