Our Keepsake Journal is Here! 🎉

Amber Pankonin

Hello! I'm Amber or "RD amber" as I'm known in the twitterverse. I’m a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist passionate about food, nutrition science, and agriculture. I work as a nutrition communications consultant and adjunct professor. When I grow up, I’d like to be a photographer or maybe a backup dancer. I’m married to a startup entrepreneur and I’m doggy momma to Jacques & Jasper. I’m the girl that laughs loudest in the theater and I hate elevators, escalators, and revolving doors. We live in Nebraska, known as the silicon prairie/ Ag capitol of the world. Those who know me best would say that I like to stir the pot. I'm sassy, sarcastic and my nutrition views are based on science, not popular hype. My fiends call me a "realistic nutritionist" because I don’t quite the fit the mold of the perfect dietitian. But I love food, creating cool things, and I’m passionate about building community.