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With each child, my heart has gotten heavier.

At first, it was one.

One cry. One colic. One bump on the head and skinned knee.

The weight piling on as the tears fell down.

RELATED: So God Made a Mother

Soon there were two.

Two mouths to feed. Four hands to hold. And the weight didn’t slow.

The more I loved, the heavier it grew.

Every hurt that they felt, I felt much more.

How much could my heart continue to hold?

It was bursting with joy, yet filled with their sadness.

“We need another!” they shouted aloud.

But I wasn’t quite sure I could bear any more.

Bending to them, as we always do, along came three.

RELATED: To the Mom of a Big Family, Your Heart Was Made For Many

The baby, we call herthe tiny, silent boss.

Six eyes to wipe when sadness comes.

Three faces to kiss when it’s all too much.

A never-ending circus and tightrope walk, balancing between all the laughs and cries.

My heart is surely the heaviest it’s been.

But I will carry your weight, your sadness, and pain.

I will hold it and feel it as long as I breathe.

And I will die with a thousand pound heart.

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Kathleen Davis

Kathleen Davis is a retired teacher, wife, mother of two, and author. She has her Masters Degree in Elementary Education from The University of Florida and has spent her career searching for and reading good children’s books to her students. She believes that books not only provide a fountain of information but are also a way to enter a new world and completely change a perspective. Her first book BRAVE can be found on Amazon and at kathleendavisbooks.com. You can also follow Kathleen's attempts at maneuvering motherhood and her family’s adventures throughout the Nashville area on Instagram @kathleendavisbooks and Facebook @bravethebook.kd

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