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I remember getting a paycheck once. 

I chose direct deposit, and I’d review my monthly bank statements with no surprises. I knew how much I needed for my bills, and I knew when I had a little extra to spend. I knew I was getting compensated for all those hours I put in, and it felt good to earn a living.

But that all changed when my husband and I decided I’d quit my full-time job to stay at home full time to raise our children. 

RELATED: God Gave Me the Heart of a Stay-at-Home Mom

All of the sudden, our duel income family was down to one salary. All of the sudden, I felt like I wasn’t contributing enough to our budget. I felt pressured to do something more to bring in some income and was no longer comfortable spending money on myself. 

And that’s a real pressure I think so many of us stay-at-home parents understand.

Even when we’re making ends meet. Even when our families are fed and dressed and blessed with so much more than we can put a numerical value on.

Even when we know we’re always busy, always managing, always worn out at the end of every day.

We might feel insecurity creep in. We might notice when a family member brags on someone else for earning a promotion or making a leap in their career. 

Friend, if you find yourself here, at the intersection of giving all you’ve got to serve your family and still questioning whether your work will pay off, I want to remind you, you are contributing plenty and making a difference. 

RELATED: To the World I’m Just a Stay-at-Home Mom, But To You I’m Everything

And maybe it’s you who’s helping support your spouse right now as you keep your home and family running. 

Do not underestimate the immeasurable contribution you’re making every single day. 

God is using you in mighty ways, and He can use this season to provide you with exactly what matters most . . . 

Time with your children. 

Partnership with your spouse.

Deeper trust in Him. 

Be encouraged, mama. 

Your work matters. 

You’re doing a good job. 

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Jaclyn Warren

Stay-at-home mommy of four on mission to encourage parents to savor the meaningful in the midst of the messy. Take your 15 minutes; it’s your turn for timeout. You can find her at www.mommys15minutes.com or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Mommys15Minutes-543229312706302/.

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