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It’s a simple truth, yet one we all need to hear from time to time: it all matters.

In the midst of endless diaper changes, sleepless nights, and temper tantrums, it’s easy to lose sight of the significance of what we do every single day. We might feel like we’re stuck in an unending cycle of routine tasks, that our lives have become a blur of laundry, clean-ups, bath time, and school drop-offs. But I’m here to tell you that every single one of those tasks, no matter how small or routine they may seem, matters.

RELATED: Sometimes I Want To Scream, “Does Anyone See Everything I Am Doing?!”

When you wake up in the middle of the night to comfort a crying child, that matters.

When you take the time to read a bedtime story even when you’re exhausted, that matters.

When you when you referee those sibling squabbles for the millionth time, that matters.

When you fix your child’s meal with love and care, that matters. 

When you offer a listening ear after a tough moment, that matters.

When you play, laugh, dance, and create goofy memories together, that matters.

When you hold your child’s hand as they cross the street, that matters.

When you turn on your superhero cape and juggle all the household duties, school drop-offs, and appointments, that matters.

When you celebrate their victories, no matter how small, that matters.

When you wipe away their tears and kiss their boo-boos, that matters.

When you offer a warm hug and a loving smile, that matters.

RELATED: The Quiet Work You’re Doing Matters, Mama

It’s easy to feel like we’re not doing enough or that we’re not measuring up to some impossible standard of motherhood. But please remember that you are enough just as you are. The next time you find yourself knee-deep in the chaos of motherhood, take a moment to pause and remind yourself that it all matters. Every hug, every smile, every meal, every bedtime story—it all matters more than you can possibly imagine.

Originally published on the author’s blog

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Dany Morrey

Dany is a dedicated mom of three who has found a passion in the world of blogging. Through her blog, Dany creates a space for moms to find support, inspiration, and a true sense of belonging in the beautiful chaos of motherhood.

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