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It is so easy to look at your friend and see all of the beauty within her.

It is so easy to notice the strength of God upon her that she walks in during times of hardship.

You see how her laugh dances across the room, and how the light of Christ radiates through her even when she’s not even aware.

It’s not hard to offer her grace and compassion when life is challenging. 

As she cries you never tell her to get over it or move on.

RELATED: Find a Friend Who Points You To Jesus And Keep Her Close

You don’t judge her or criticize her when her house is a mess or her kids act up. No, it’s easy to offer her understanding.

You see all the ways God has made her uniquely her. It is obvious to you how fearfully and wonderfully made she is.

And it isn’t because of anything she does really or how she looks. It is because you can see straight into her heart through her words and actions. Through her prayers and through the love she has given you.

It’s easy to see she is a blessing and a gift and a cherished daughter of the Most High.

But when you turn toward yourself, suddenly, these same things are hard to see.

Suddenly your eyes are straining to see the good within you.

You struggle to notice all of the beauty God has placed within you.

Your words aren’t so gentle and your grace isn’t as unwavering when you are dealing with your own mistakes and struggles.

RELATED: To the Mom Chasing Perfection, Be Kind To Yourself

Funny how that works isn’t it?

We are constantly building up our sisters and telling them how wonderful they are simply for being them, and yet we attack and destroy ourselves.

We aren’t that kind when we look in the mirror, and we hold ourselves to unrealistic expectations.

Let’s take a moment and pause and pray when we are speaking to ourselves or about ourselves.

Let’s not insult God and complain about the way we are made. Let’s not discount all of the ways He wove us together to be uniquely us.

Your friend is a blessing and a cherished gift from God, but so are you.

Speak life over yourself. If you wouldn’t say it to your friend, don’t say it about yourself.

Treat yourself with grace and kindness and stand back and admire, every once in a while, how fearfully and wonderfully made you are by God.

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Jennifer Toscano

I am a wife, mother to two beautiful daughters and a follower of Jesus. I recently started my blog as a way to document my journey in faith and to share God's great love with others. I also love to cook, read and do graphic design. You can find me on Facebook: facebook.com/aheartfullofhope and on my website: AHeartFullofHope.com writing about faith, hope and motherhood.

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When You Choose To Love Yourself As Much As You Love Your Kids www.herviewfromhome.com

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