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Dear God, I’m weary in the waiting, but you know exactly what you’re doing 

Right now, my husband and I need you to show us what’s next. I know your plan is always right and good, but I’m growing weary in this waiting period. 

Close family and friends are asking, “What’s next?” Their words are the exact echo of my heart. Sometimes it’s difficult responding, “We’re still in the process,” because I like answers now. But often, you don’t work on my timetable.

It’s hard living in the in-between.

I’m anticipating the next place we can put down roots and start fresh. We’ve been interviewing, praying, sitting in silence, interviewing more, flying to new places, and meeting new people. It’s been exciting and exhausting. 

RELATED: We Must Have Patience Even When We Don’t Understand

We’ve only heard no through every door we’ve encountered so far, and we believe you don’t want us to settle. We’re waiting for your yes, the precious place and people who you have prepared for us

Right now, I need strength and perseverance to trust you with the nos. Hope to press on toward your yes.

I know real strength and power come from your hands. I trust you to provide a 2021 miracle. I know many people are asking the same.

Please keep my marriage strong under the weight of these pressures. Show my children they’re loved even when our situation feels unstable and unsettling. Give us moments of encouragement and laughter when it’s frustrating. Help me to smile in the suffering and work with my husband, and not against him.

I’m so thankful you know exactly what you’re doing. You see the future and know far more than I do—even what we need from the smallest detail to the largest. 

I want to trust your plan and give you thanks before your answered prayer. I want to be hopeful and excited about our unique story.

You aren’t finished writing this grand adventure in our marriage yet.

RELATED: Have You Been to The Waiting Place?

Through all these twists and turns, I know you have surprise blessings in store. This trial will shape us for years to come and draw us closer together. And even though I might not be good at being patient, one thing’s for sure, you’re very good at being God.

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Samantha Krieger

Samantha Krieger is wife to Jeremiah and mama to 2 boys & 2 girls- 15 and under. She's passionate about encouraging women in their faith, relationships, and real life. She's the author of Quiet Time: A 30-day Devotional Retreat for Moms in the Trenches. Her work has been featured on the Today Show online, Love What Matters, and Cafe Mom. She enjoys connecting with readers on her personal blogFacebook and Instagram.

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