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I don’t know how we’re going to make ends meet. My work hours recently got cut in half. My husband also took a huge pay cut when he switched careers a few years ago. We were barely making ends meet when I worked my normal hours, and now with significantly less each month, my mind starts to spiral. It feels even more suffocating with the rising cost of everything.

It seems like with each bill that arrives in the mail, the rate has increased. The grocery store bill continues to climb with fewer and fewer items making their way into the cart.

Another job is the obvious answer, but there’s more to it than that. There’s something beyond simply replacing my income.

RELATED: We’re Raising a Family Below the Poverty Line and It’s Hard

I know God is working in this situation, and He’s going to work everything togetherI just can’t see what that looks like right now. 

I know God has something to teach me through this. He always does, doesn’t He? Am I going to be open to those lessons, or am I going to allow frustration, panic, and bitterness to fill my heart? It’s my choice. The way I respond to this situation is in my hands. 

Digging in my heels and displaying my terrible trait of stubbornness and doing what I want isn’t ideal in this situation. It’s not going to accomplish anything and will only reveal my own pride. 

Even though I have dreams and desires for my life and can make decisions that lead me closer to them, God is the one who has the final say. He can make my plans prosper or destroy them in an instant. That power is in His hands, not mine

RELATED: If God is Truly Good, He is Still Good When Life is Not

So during this tough season, I need to lean into Him even more. I need to seek wisdom from Him instead of the world. I need to lay all of my hopes, desires, and burdens at His feet. 

I have to look back on the past and realize that God has always provided. It might not come in a way I expect or hope, but He cares for His children. It doesn’t mean things aren’t going to be tough. It doesn’t mean we’re not going to face very lean months or years, but He will never leave us. I will rest in that. I will rest in Him. 

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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This is Middle-Class Motherhood

In: Living, Motherhood
This is Middle Class Motherhood www.herviewfromhome.com

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