Our Keepsake Journal is Here! 🎉

I’m a high school counselor and truthfully, one of my favorite students to work with are my seniors. I love all of my students but there is something uniquely special about these teenagers that are on the brink of adulthood. 

They are full of grand plans, big ideas, and excitement for life. 

They also tend to be a little less argumentative, which is a nice plus. 

During senior year, they are all focused on one thing: graduation and getting out of this place. We are a small town and most of these students have been here all their lives. They are ready to fly the nest and move on to bigger and better things. 

RELATED: Senior Year Is Coming, Ready Or Not

Even though I am always sad to see my seniors leave, my heart bursts with joy for them. I know this is such an exciting time, truly a pivotal moment in their lives. 

But if I could sit each and every one of them down this is what I’d say: 

I hope this year treats you well. 

I hope you savor every last moment. 

The last football game.

The last basketball game.

The last baseball game.

The last play.

The last musical.

The last dance recital.

The last cheer practice.

The last drill meet.

The last pep rally.

The last test (amen?).

The last time you see your favorite teacher.

The last time you walk through these halls.

I hope your year is filled with laughter and joy.

I hope you get into your dream school, enter into your dream career, and achieve every goal you have in mind. 

I hope you choose the route that is best for you, whatever that may be. 

I hope you remember your worth and do not succumb to the pressure that this year may bring. 

I hope you say no to things that go against your core values. 

I hope you know that your worth is not found in your looks, your clothes, or your body. 

I  hope you remember that no is an answer—and a brave one at that. 

And even though I’m not technically allowed to say this one, I hope you find God and know Him.

I hope you lean on Him through the good times and the bad times. Because He is a good, good Father. 

RELATED: Dear Teen, There Is So Much More To Life than High School

But I hope this year is not the best year of your life. 

I hope this year is just the beginning of your greatness, your joy, your life. 

I hope it is a stepping stone to who you are becoming. 

And while I desperately hope one day you will look back on this year with fondness, I hope you look back and say there have been many happier years and moments than those that happened during your senior year. 

To all of my seniors, the class of 2024, I love you and am so proud of who you are and who you will become.

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Whitney Britton

My name is Whitney Britton. I am a Tennessee girl, born and raised. I am a proud wife and boy mom. I love the Lord and enjoy being outside. My hobbies are writing, reading, hiking, working out, and watching TN football with my family. Follow me on Instagram and Substack

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