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Today is hard. You don’t have to tell me how fast the time goes and to enjoy every moment because I am painfully aware of how quickly they will be moved out and making families of their own.

I know that someday we will look back on these days and miss them. We will revel in the endless amounts of Spiderman we watched, laugh at the mispronounced words, and be glad to be past the days when we had to carefully calculate when to put our youngest in his car seat so he wouldn’t start screaming before we could get moving. But today, today is hard.

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Today, I feel trapped under the weight of being a work-from-home mom with a toddler and an infant. Today, I feel stuck in the trenches of endless diaper changes, feedings, snacks, potty training, housework to be done, and emails to be answered. Today, I feel like I’m being pulled in every direction and don’t know how to answer them all.

I know there will be a time in the not-so-distant future when I wish I could turn back the time. There will be a day when I watch them go their own ways and reminisce over all their baby pictures. But today, today is hard.

Today, I will give a smile to my toddler as I fight back my tears. Today, I will count down the minutes until my husband gets home and provides an extra set of adult hands. Today, I will do what I can to get to bedtime.

Someday, they won’t need mommy as much. Someday, they will get their own snacks and occupy their own time. Someday, they will have sports, friends, jobs, and girlfriends. Someday, I will long for the days of spending all morning at the park. Someday, I will long for what feels like the endless amount of time we spend together. Someday, I will long for just one more baby cuddle and giggle. Someday, I will pack away all the Hotwheel cars that line my floor and wonder where the days went that we would race them. But today, today is hard.

RELATED: Motherhood is Hard, But Loving You is the Easiest Thing I’ve Ever Done

Someday, I will pray that I did enough todayright in the middle of this hard day. Today, I will still thank God for these blessings in front of me. Today, I will acknowledge how hard it all felt. Today, I will acknowledge that hard does not mean it is bad. Today, I will give them an extra hug and a kiss at bedtime. I will accept that today was hard and know that tomorrow is a new day.

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Erynn Bedu-Annan

I live in Colorado with my two amazing boys and wonderful husband. I am passionate about sharing the joys and the hardships of parenting and marriage in hopes of being an inspiration to someone else.

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