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There’s no denying it. Motherhood is hard.

It’s the hardest thing I have ever done and will ever do—and people made sure I knew that when I was pregnant.

Sure, there was the original excitement that typically comes when you announce you’re pregnant. But it wasn’t too far into those 40 weeks when the how are you feeling? concerns that once were genuine became segues to give unsolicited warnings.

You’re not sleeping well now? Just wait until the baby is born.”

“Nothing sounds good to eat? Just wait until the only meals you eat are either cold or with one hand.”

“You’re uncomfortable now? Just wait until those labor pains kick in.”

I remember walking into my house one day in tears and asking my husband, “Is there anything positive that comes with having a baby?”

Mamas with babies, I know you’re just trying to help. I know you’re trying to prepare the mama who’s expecting for the not-so-beautiful moments.

RELATED: Just You Wait, Mama

But I’m sure I’m not the only mama who experienced anxiety during her pregnancy. I was already worried about my son’s health, stressed about getting things ready at work before my maternity leave, terrified I wouldn’t know how to be a mom once he arrived.

Every “just wait until” made me more anxious, more stressed, more discouraged.

If you’re a mama like me, I first want you to know you’re not alone. You’re not the only one who researches everything. You’re not the only one who second-guesses every decision. You’re not the only one who feels desperate for some encouragement.

If you’re a mama like me, here are some of the things I wish I had been told instead.

Just wait until you feel him kick because he feels the sound of your voice.

Just wait until you hold her for the first time and fall in love more deeply than you ever thought possible.

Just wait until he falls asleep on your chest and the sound of his little breath drowns out all of the noise of the world.

Just wait until she says “Mama” for the first time. (If she’s anything like my son, “Dada” will come first. But trust me, it’s worth the wait.)

Just wait until you’re rocking him at 2 a.m. Yes, you’re tired. But you are what he needs right now, so you hold him just a little bit longer.

Just wait until your face has the biggest smile because of the tiniest laugh.

I wish I could go back to and tell my pregnant self that there will be more positives than I could ever imagine.

But I can’t, so I’m telling all the mamas like me.

RELATED: Just Wait, Mama—Motherhood is More Beautiful Than You Dreamed

Yes, there will be hard moments. There will be hard days. But that’s not what you should think about now. Because that’s not what you’ll remember.

So just wait until your little one makes his or her entrance into this world. Your life will never be the same . . . in the absolute best way possible.

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Christina Egbert

Mama. Wife. Writer. I have two beautiful little boys—one who keeps me on my toes and one who keeps me on edge. As a working mom, my brain typically looks like a lot like my house: a little all over the place with the best intentions of being organized!

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To the Tired Mom in the Middle of the Night www.herviewfromhome.com

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