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9 Things Parents of Colicky Babies Need You to Know

In: Baby
screaming baby www.herviewfromhome.com

When our daughter was born at 34 weeks, the last thing we were worried about was the possibility of colic. But then it happened to us. We had a baby who, if she wasn’t sleeping or eating, was crying. No, screaming. The memories that stick out the most from the blur that was those first four months are not all good ones. Memories of standing in my living room, simultaneously rocking/swinging/bouncing my screaming 2-month-old daughter, my back and arms cramping, her hair wet with my tears. She had been crying for hours, my husband was at work, and I was left with what...

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Motherhood is Traumatic But Mothers Are Strong

In: Motherhood
Mother holding kids hands silhouette

My first baby was a doozy. He was premature, I couldn’t nurse like I’d planned, and he cried all day. Well, he didn’t really cry all day—he screamed all day. He had reflux and colic and the lungs of a human freight train. My husband worked long hours, and I couldn’t take a screaming baby anywhere, so there I sat, all day, at home, with a screaming baby who could find no comfort.  The only respite I found was a window each day of approximately 20 minutes. Never more, sometimes less, but every day I had the tiniest of windows...

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You Are the Mom. Period.

In: Kids, Motherhood
You Are the Mom. Period. www.herviewfromhome.com

I had an appointment today with my OB/GYN. (Nope, not pregnant—I’m well beyond childbearing years.)  With me in the waiting room sat a couple—clearly eager first time parents—flipping through pregnancy magazines and looking anxious and excited. When I got to my exam room, I realized they were in the room right next to mine, as I could hear their muffled voices and nervous laughter. And then I heard the most magical sound in the world. Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump. It was the loud and unmistakable sound of their baby’s heartbeat coming through on the fetal doppler....

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