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Have you ever had a job that just drained the life out of you? That stole your joy? Killed your confidence and self-esteem? One that caused immeasurable stress and spilled over into every area of your life? I know I have.

For those of us with a good work ethic and pride in what we do, we take this personally. We stick it out and try to make it work because we feel like we have to. Walking away would feel like a failure.

But I’ve learned something over the years. Your job is just a job. You are replaceable. There are always other jobs out there. Your healthphysical and mentalit’s more important than any job could ever be. Your family is more important than that job. Yes, I know, what about the money? Well, money comes and goes.

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It might be scary to take the leap, but if your job is slowly killing you, then it’s time to say goodbye and find something new. Find a job that is life-giving. One where you enjoy what you do and don’t dread walking out the door every morning. Something that makes you happy.

Life is too short to give any more of your time to a place where you are not appreciated or valued. There is a job out there for you. You just have to be brave enough to go out and find it. Maybe you’ll rediscover an old talent and turn that passion into your career. Maybe you’ll end up starting your own business and building that dream job for yourself. Maybe you’ll come across exactly what you were always looking for and finally feel at home.

Have some faith. Faith in yourself and your abilities. Faith that God will provide and that He wants better for you. Faith that everything will work out exactly the way it was always meant to in the end . . . even if the road to getting there didn’t look exactly like how you pictured it.

I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I have been so sure that nothing was going to work out and there was just no way things would ever be okay again, and that’s when God showed up in ways I could never have imagined.

RELATED: The Ugly Truth of an Overwhelmed Mom and Resentful Wife

Now, it won’t happen overnight. And you can’t just sit around and expect God to work without any movement on your part. Put in the effort. Do the work. Trust God through it all, and know that He is hearing your prayers. He sees you. He knows your heart. And He has a plan.

We live in an era when people glamorize burnout. We put work on a pedestal. We’re told if you’re not crushing it every single day and running yourself into the ground, then you aren’t succeeding. This is killing us. It’s killing families. It’s killing joy and love and everything good about this life.

Slow down. Prioritize your health and take the break now and again. Spend time with your family. Find a job you love and allows you to still have a life outside of it. That’s what it’s all about.

If only we could all get back to that, I think we’d find that people would be so much happier and more fulfilled. And personally, I believe that’s what God wants for us.

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Moriah Couch

I am happily married to a hard-working and loving husband. I'm passionate about mental health as I have struggled my whole life with depression and anxiety, and more recently was diagnosed with autism, ADHD, excoriation (skin picking) disorder, and PTSD. I am a SAHM and homeschool my three beautiful children. All three of my children are diagnosed with autism, and two of them also have ADHD. I'm a follower of Jesus on a journey of maintaining my own mental health through it all and sharing my experiences in the hopes of spreading awareness and encouraging others along the way. You can follow me on Facebook or Instagram @lifewiththecouches

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