Our Keepsake Journal is Here! 🎉

Ever since you came into being, you heard the chaos of your future. You felt the jostle of your siblings climbing onto my lap and the hugs of each of their arms as they said goodnight to you for nine months.

You are here now, and you are cherished by us all. Your cheeks are constantly kissed, and you are never alone.

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And then, at last, your siblings are tucked cozy into their beds, and it’s just us. I stop everything and look at you. I know now how fast it all goes.

When there’s noise all around as I’m nursing you, I’ll stroke your back as I read aloud just to let you know I still see you.

When there are a million plates to wash and a pile of laundry to fold, I’ll stare as much as I can at your sweet face because I know it changes so quickly and someone else will need my eyes soon.

RELATED: You’re My Last Baby So I’ll Savor You a Little More

And at night, when it’s just us, I watch you fall asleep and I lay as many kisses as I can upon your cheeks because there are no distractions to keep me from doing it.

You may be last, my baby. But you are special. You are my baby.

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Ashley Elizabeth

This has been written by Ashley Elizabeth, a licensed associate counselor and mom of four children five and under. Her blog is ashleyelizabethwrites.wordpress.com and her IG is ashley.elizabeth.writes if you want to follow along with her as she shares her heart behind motherhood, homeschooling, and identity.

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