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I couldn’t help stopping and taking my daughter’s picture. We weren’t doing anything remarkable or specialwe had simply come for a picnic at our neighborhood playground as we do many days when it’s nice enough to do so. The light was perfect filtering through the trees, and she was laughing at the wind blowing her hair back. She was the picture of peace and calm and joy at the moment. 

Be still.

So rarely is she ever still during her toddler life and mostly due to things out of her control. We are usually on the way to one practice or another or to pick up one brother or another from school. However, at this moment, she was reminding me of what it means to delight in this life we have been given.

RELATED: Sometimes I Forget To Slow Down, But You Remind Me

Being still and delighting in the blessings God has given us is something we could all probably do a little more of if we’re being honest. Watching her, I couldn’t help but think how God teaches us so much as parents through our children if we slow down long enough to see it, to see them.

Our super-connected, high-speed culture constantly diverts our attention and consistently disrupts our ability to be still.

We are always thinking about what we could be getting done or who we could be connecting with (aside from those who are actually in our physical presence). Convinced that the version of reality presented through our screens is better than our present existence, or could be, we move through time distracted, fragmented, and are anything but still. 

Be still and know that I am God. 

That day in the park, my daughter had no worries and was simply happy to be with me looking at the trees and leaves and reveling in the soft wind on her face and warm sun on her cheeks. Whatever was going on in her little mind beforehand was gone.

She was fully present in the now.

I know as mothers, we can’t always be fully present in the nowwe do have to plan, care for, and feed our families, etc., but what a beautiful reminder that it is absolutely necessary to do what my daughter was doing that day. God created us to worship and reflect him with joy in this life, to rejoice in him. We do not do anything on our own, but all things through Christ. What a gift and lifting of burdens, that we can and must rely on his strength to sustain us.  

I don’t know what you are facing right now, mama, but I do know that brokenness and sadness are part of this earthly life. We all have hardships and trials that weigh heavily on our lives and at times can be crushing. I pray, not that we ignore our suffering, but that we could give it over to God and turn our eyes to the blessings He has placed in our path. They are gifts to help us be thankful in all circumstances, ultimately leading to peace within and joy radiating out.

RELATED: If God is Truly Good, He is Still Good When Life is Not

I wish joy and thankfulness for you today, sweet mama. God’s got whatever you are going through and whatever is coming your way.

Be still. 

“He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth’” (Psalm 46: 10, NIV).

“ . . . I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4: 12-13, NIV).

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Candice Mrazik

Candice Mrazik is a military veteran, former elementary school teacher, current military spouse and a mom to 4 (3 boys and one girl). With 12+ years of parenting under her belt she is still getting used to the ever growing height of her boys and the family laundry pile. She enjoys walking, writing, traveling with her family, dark European chocolate and couldn’t be more thankful that her hands are completely full.

To the Mom Trying to Do It All, You’re In God’s Way

In: Faith, Motherhood
To the Mom Trying to Do It All, You're In God's Way www.herviewfromhome.com

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God's Not Trying to Keep Me From Something Better—He's Trying to Save Me From Something Bad www.herviewfromhome.com

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