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The anticipation of welcoming a new baby into the world is an exciting and joyous time for our family. From the moment we found out we were expecting to just about every day since, the love and excitement only continue to grow. However, amidst all the preparations for the new addition, I cannot help but have mixed emotions as I look back at old videos and pictures of my firstborn, my first princess, my Phoebe—for she will always hold a special place in my heart.

As the anticipation grows, my heart swells with a mix of emotions knowing we are expecting another daughter. It’s a momentous occasion I’m finding hard to put into words, but the overwhelming joy and love that fill my heart are undeniable. Welcoming another precious girl into our family is a blessing I am forever grateful for. This emotional journey has led me to reflect on the incredible bond I share with my first daughter, now five years old, and the immeasurable impact she has had on my life, as well as her father’s and so many others who have been blessed to know her.

Sure, she wanted a sister. She joined us in prayer for a sister. Still, the news of a new baby did bring her mixed emotions. She was immensely overjoyed when we announced at her fifth birthday party that she would have a baby sister! And since then, as I have observed her, she has experienced a mix of excitement, curiosity, and even a tinge of jealousy. As parents, we knew it was essential to acknowledge and validate these emotions. Giving her space to express her concerns and reassure her that her place in the family is secure.

RELATED: To My Firstborn: A New Baby May Divide My Attention But Not My Love

I knew that preparing my firstborn for the arrival of her new sibling was key. Throughout this pregnancy, we have made every effort to acknowledge her feelings and involve her in the process—encouraging her to participate in activities that involve the baby, such as picking out clothes. This helps her feel included and acknowledges her continued importance in the family. Additionally, we talk openly about the upcoming changes and answer any questions she has.

Providing her with information and involving her in the preparations has helped her understand the situation better and feel more at ease. She has joined us in going to ultrasound appointments, hearing the baby’s heartbeat, and feeling the once little, now big kicks as my due date approaches. I have seen how this helped ease her worries and foster a positive environment for everyone involved.

I saw the importance of dedicating quality time to my firstborn even as I prepare for the new baby. Fighting through the fatigue each trimester, I set aside special moments for just the two of uswhether it’s reading her favorite books, going on a special outing, or simply cuddling on the bed. These moments have reassured her that she is still loved and cherished, regardless of any new additions to the family. They show her that her bond with us remains strong and unbreakable.

RELATED: Dear Firstborn, Because of You My Heart Grew

It has been a challenging yet fulfilling journey so far, creating a sense of excitement and anticipation together—bringing our family closer, and helping to alleviate any feelings of resentment or fear. I know once the baby arrives, it is natural for our attention to shift toward her immediate needs. However, may I never forget the impact this can have on our firstborn.

Just as no two flowers are alike, our daughters will bloom with their own unique personalities. Each will bring something special and remarkable into our lives. The prospect of discovering their individual preferences, strengths, and passions fills me with excitement. I am eager to foster an environment where they will feel supported and free to express themselves, allowing their true selves to flourish.

As I navigate this emotional journey, expecting another daughter fills my heart with an overwhelming sense of gratitude, love, and excitement. Nevertheless, to my firstborn daughter Phoebe, remember that though there is a new baby on the way, you will always be my baby.

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Kimona Farquharson

My name is Kimona Farquharson. I'm a 32-year-old Jamaican wife, mother, homeschooler, and podcaster who adores my family and God. I'm still finding life out as I aim for a straightforward but meaningful existence. After all, I really think that "Simplicity is ultimately a matter of focus."

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