Our Keepsake Journal is Here! 🎉

Be the friend who doesn’t look at the baseboards, the friend who overlooks the dirt.

Be the friend who comes to sit and chat at a messy counter still piled high with breakfast plates yet to be cleaned and junk mail yet to be sorted.

Be the friend who explains to her husband every week that the extra $20 out of the budget went to a couple of sisters who needed a surprise coffee and a smile delivered to their door.

Be the friend who sees your messy bun, unwashed face, and sweatpants and says, “Girl, you look cute,” and means it.

Be the friend who doesn’t wait for a phone call to reach out, the friend who invites your crazy littles over knowing the chaos that will ensue in her home.

Be the friend who sees your Christmas decorations still up in March and says, “Girl, I just put mine away last week.”

Be the friend who meets you in your mess and loves you in it.

Be that friend.

And if you have the pleasure of knowing one of them . . . hold on to her.

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Emily Hoban

Hello, I’m Emily! Wife, mom of three, and daughter of a woman who, in October 2019, left us to grace the halls of Heaven. I find peace in writing out my heart, and I hope my words can help someone feel seen in their similar struggles.

Here’s to the Friends Who Don’t Hide Their Messy Parts

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Life is Too Short for Fake Cheese and Fake Friends

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