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We argued about an orange last night after dinner. Not even a large orange. A tiny mandarin. As emotions escalated between my beloved husband and me, the eldest child graciously removed herself from the table and donned noise-canceling headphones while the smallest child openly snickered and was dispatched to her room to play while we hashed things out in “peace.”

I’d love to say that was the most insane thing we’ve ever argued about, but that would be a lie. My kids love to remind us about the breadstick incident a few years back.

Life has been a bit overwhelming lately if I’m being honest. Sometimes when life gets overwhelming, ridiculous things happen. Like arguments over edible, inanimate objects. I’d like to think I am a little more mature than what I displayed in front of my kids, but I guess I still have some growing up to do. Sometimes I just can’t even.

RELATED: Why Your Wife Seems Angry and How to Fix It

Kids arguing or tattling for the 327th time today? I brought you into this world . . .

Teenagers pushing boundaries? So help me . . .

Miscommunications or arguments with your spouse? For the love of . . .

Friends disappoint you? But I thought . . .

Financial strain? Never enough . . .

Medical crisis? What now/what next . . .

Loss and grief? How do I go on . . .

I can’t even.

How about you? Do you ever find yourself muttering that you “can’t even?” Have you gotten to the point where you feel so overloaded that the tiniest things become huge things? Have you faced multiple, rapid-fire crises? Have you felt completely overwhelmed and broken? When you feel like just one more thing will make your brain explode or you’ll inch over the edge into a full breakdown?

RELATED: The Ugly Truth of an Overwhelmed Mom and Resentful Wife

Even if you haven’t been there yet, a lot of people get there at some pointwhether we admit it or not. Even kings have been there, including King David, the man after God’s own heart, who in moments of overwhelm and desperation poured his heart out to the Lord.

Here’s some good news. God sees our fear and anxiety and promises us refuge. He sees our brokenness and our overwhelm and promises us restoration. He sees our “can’t even” and promises peace that guards our hearts and minds and goes beyond our understanding. He sees you. And He loves you. Grace on grace on grace.

Blessed are those who “can’t even” because we don’t have to rely on our own strength. In our weakness, He is strong.

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Jessica Krassow

A recovering Type-A worrier and germaphobe, Jessica is a mom and wife learning balance and living intentionally. She is constantly striving to laugh at herself and give herself grace, and loves to connect with people emotionally with words. In her spare time, she loves to make music, read, research genealogy, and spend quality time with her family and good friends.

Overwhelmed Mama, Take a Moment to Sit at the Feet of Jesus

In: Faith, Motherhood
Woman sitting in hallway, black and white image

Mama friend, I know you’re exhausted. It feels like you have nothing left to give. You know you need to take a moment for yourself, but you don’t know how. I know it all feels endless—like it will never be any different. I know you long for a week, a day, or an hour to yourself but take this moment. Put the baby in the playpen. Tell the kids to play in their room. Sit down somewhere away from the dirty dishes in the sink and the pile of laundry that has been waiting to be folded for days. Step...

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God Sees You, Weary Mama

In: Motherhood
God Sees You, Weary Mama www.herviewfromhome.com

Dear mama, I saw you the other day at Target juggling three young children—one on the side of your hip, another sitting in the shopping cart with a runny nose, and your oldest scooping boxes of Fruit Loops into the cart. Your hair was up in a ponytail and you wore your favorite yoga pants and rose gold Fitbit around your wrist. You appeared a bit frazzled as you looked at your phone marking off food items from your list and making sure they fit the budget—wanting to please your husband. And I wanted to tell you this: the work you’re doing is sacrificial,...

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Dear Mama, God Can Handle Your Emotions

In: Faith, Motherhood
Dear Mama, God Can Handle Your Emotions www.herviewfromhome.com

Dear mama, As we all know, motherhood is such an incredibly vulnerable time of life. Emotions tend to run high. I have found that when I am experiencing strong emotions, I tend to either bring them to God or, if the emotions are negative, I may try to hide them from Him. There have been times in my life where I felt as though my emotions were too strong and that God couldn’t handle them. Maybe you’ve felt this, too. But mama, this is not how God works. Dear tired mama, God can handle your weariness. God sees you as...

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