Our Keepsake Journal is Here! 🎉

Sweet friend,

I’m sorry I’m such a terrible friend. We don’t see each other like we used to. We’re in the middle of raising little ones–these years when our schedules fill in ways we never expected. We’re miles and states apart. It’s not as easy to meet up like it used to be.

So much has changed. Life seems to pull us farther and farther apart. But my love for you has not changed. Sweet friend, even though this season looks so much different than the ones long gone, our friendship hasn’t faded.

RELATED: Good, Long Distance Friendship is Hard But So Worth it

I think of you often and pray for you when you come to mind. I try to shoot you a text every now and then so you’ll know I’ll always be here for you no matter where life takes us.

I do miss those days when we’d spend hours talking. Those days when we’d see each other whenever we wanted. Those days that were filled with so many memories. But I haven’t forgotten them. I haven’t forgotten you.

You’ve played such an important part in my life. You’ve been there for me during some tough seasons, and I’m so thankful for that. I’m thankful for you, and I’m grateful God brought you into my life. His timing with it was perfect. He knew I needed you.

RELATED: “Tell Me Three Things.” The Friendship Tool You Need Today

Even though we don’t see each other like we used to, I’m still here. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything.

Even though the miles separate us more than I’d like and our schedules can’t seem to catch their breath, I’m still here.

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Tynea Lewis

Tynea Lewis is a teacher turned freelance writer and watercolor artist. She and her husband are raising two girls, and they love spending time together at their family cabin. Tynea remembers loving to write as early as first grade, and she has a heart for encouraging women. She writes for various platforms, including Living By Design Ministries and Just Between Us. You can connect with her at tynea-lewis.com, on Instagram (@TyneaLewis) or Facebook (@TyneaLewisWriter). Her original hand-painted greeting cards are available at https://www.etsy.com/shop/WonderAndWanderArt.

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