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There’s not an official “Sister’s Day” but girl, there should be.

This past weekend, I spent a few days with my sisters and their misters. We stayed up late, we ate ice cream, and we took our kids to the park. We laughed so much it hurt and teased each other relentlessly. In the morning, we got ready in the bathroom mirror together just for old times’ sake. It was just the kind of familiar fun my tired heart needed. 

I am so thankful for my beautiful sisters and the impact they’ve had on my life. As the oldest of three girls, here are the top reasons to celebrate the sister friends in your life today and every day:

Sisters speak life.

They tell us the truth and what we want to hear all at the same time. Advice, but the gentle kind that’s worth soaking up.  Criticism, but the helpful kind that avoids an outfit disaster. They say what’s real and constantly remind you that you’re beautiful. 

RELATED: How Blessed I Am That God Gave Me Sisters

Sisters show up.

They hold space in their schedules for your calls, your kids’ birthday parties, and coffee dates. They stand by you at weddings, cry with you when your heart breaks, and play with your kids like their own. 

Sisters broadcast good news.

They cheer you on in sports, brag about you to their friends, and share all your posts. They are some of the first ones to gush about you being engaged or pregnant. 

Sisters are emotional detectives.

They feel all your feels. They can tell you are mad just by the way you breathe on the phone. Sisters celebrate big together, but they ache together too.

Sisters are built-in best friends.

Girl friendships can be tricky, but sister-friends last forever. There’s always someone to call on a long drive or take the kids to the zoo with.

RELATED: Sisters Are Friends For Life

Sisters know all the versions of each other.

The awkward little kid version, the dramatic teenager, and the woman settling into her smile lines—they are all a part of each of us. Sisters have seen all of those versions. They have been growing with you since the beginning, and they know how you became you.

Sisters point you to Jesus because they have servant hearts.

They live with you and love on you. 

If you have a sister, or a few, hug her tight,even if she doesn’t like hugs. Make sure she knows how much you still need her even though you’re all grown up. Happy “Sister’s Day” today and every day to the women that show up, grow up, and live alongside us. 

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Taylor Hagemeyer

Taylor Hagemeyer goes by both “mama” and “Mrs. H.” She has a husband who loves her like Jesus does. She was blessed to have both a daughter and a son. She holds a master’s degree in early childhood special education and is a pre-kindergarten teacher in a small town in Nebraska. She believes play is the way to all learning. She is a children’s book author who wants the world to be a kinder place. You can find “Things That Rhyme With Autism,” a book she wrote for her students, on Amazon. You can also follow along on Facebook- Grow Home With Me and Instagram- @growhomewithme for more writing, play ideas and peeks of her succulent garden.

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