Our Keepsake Journal is Here! 🎉

There’s really no one who loves lists more than me. Give me all the lined journals, cute motivational stickers, pretty colored pens, and glitter sticky tabs. Lists could be purposeful and fashionable! And I admit . . . I might be a slight control freak and life-long planner. Lists and special planner people just seem to go together like peanut butter and jelly. Right?

But I had hit a wall. I couldn’t get out of bed. I couldn’t do the dishes. Laundry was getting closer to the height of being counted as the first monumental mountain in flat Kansas. Breathing took extreme effort. My marriage was in a hard spot. We were broke. I had four kids to raise.

RELATED: Even When it Feels Like I Can’t, I Keep Going

This was a nightmare for any planner and controller lady of the house. Even worse? It was that time. You know, the dreaded resolution list time? Not only that, I had already downgraded to an annual, measurable goal list. I was quickly sinking into unknown territory. Resolutions almost never came through, and annual goals were more probable for completion.

But none of the prior year’s goals matched any of my current year. What kind of dumpster fire was my life? I just wanted to live. I wanted to enjoy my daily life.

So, this new year that is exactly what I am going to do. I’m going to live in my daily life. I’m going to be present. I’m going to show Jesus to my family and others today. I’m going to smile, cry, dance, laugh, and rest all at once and some just one at a time.

RELATED: God Doesn’t Ask Us to Make New Year’s Resolutions About Perfection

The control freak went rogue this year and handed all planning to Jesus for this new year. She couldn’t do it on her own, so she tore the list and gave it to Him to handle this time. The sparkles can stay, but the stressful control has got to go. I can’t do this without Him, so I won’t.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Rachel M Redlin

Rachel Marie Redlin is a Jesus lover, a wife to Brook, and a mother to five. She is an American author, speaker, newspaper journalist, and award-winning radio personality. Best known for her online public journal platform, it continued to grow with her love of devotionals in two published books, Blooming Grace and Blooming Wisdom. Although seasons have changed in the last two years, her now private lead ministry has not waivered in its continued focus on encouraging, embracing, and equipping women to go deeper and bloom in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ, their families, and fellow believers. Rachel is passionate and determined to help provide an outlet and resource for deeper relationships with women and Christ in the modern Christian world.

I’m Done Making New Year’s Resolutions I Don’t Care About

In: Living
I'm Done Making New Year's Resolutions I Don't Care About www.herviewfrom.com

A new year is upon us and I can almost smell the possibility. The week between Christmas and New Year’s Day leaves me stumbling around in a perpetual daydream as I wonder what the next 12 months have in store for me, for my family. The end of one year and the beginning of another leaves us in a sweet season of hopeful anticipation, where we envision dreams becoming reality and goals being conquered. And, as tradition goes, it’s also the season for making New Year’s resolutions that focus on self-improvement in an effort to make the coming year better...

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What is Outside My Control is Still in God’s Control

In: Faith, Motherhood
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Honesty time: What is outside my control is still in God’s control. This is a statement I have no problem remembering or believing. Where the rub comes in for me is: how can I trust that God wants what I want? Because as I know from the Bible, His thoughts and ways are different and higher than mine. As it should be. He’s God and I’m not. Hallelujah. So why do I still find myself in this place where I need things to be within my reach, or in my control, to know peace? RELATED: Give it To God—He Wants it All...

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Even When You Doubt, God is in Control

In: Faith
Woman praying over Bible

It was bedtime at approximately 8:00 when my daughter single-handedly broke my heart in two. She didn’t break it in a bad way. I wasn’t upset with her and she didn’t tell me that she hated me or something catastrophic. God used her to break my heart in only a way He could. My 3-year-old said, “Mommy, make sure you check on me in a minute.” My entire world stopped. I actually thought I might not make it another second on this earth. Little did she know that I check on her and her little brother a hundred times before...

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