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It’s not often I swear at a greeting card company, but after the beautiful emotional blackmail that is their Mother’s Day commercial, I had some choice words for Hallmark.

Jaykay, Hallmark. I’m not really mad that you got me RIGHT IN THE FEELS and made my mom heart start to spasm, I’m just really emotional right now . . . BECAUSE YOUR COMMERCIAL is the most beautiful, terrible thing I’ve ever seen! I blubbered like an idiot when I saw it and immediately reached for some ice cream to drown my feelings in. OK, fine, it was an entire pack of caramel M&Ms, but I WISH it was ice cream.

AHEM. Mamas, what I’m saying is . . . you are going to LOVE this commercial . . . and maybe hate it a little, because it’s 100% ON POINT. As a mom of a 15, 12, and 8-year-old, I literally saw my current place in life reflected in this poignant ad about how the firsts soon become lasts, and that dang circle of life keeps going round and round at light speed, whether we like it or not.

As someone who is looking at her kids’ baby years in the rearview mirror, I gotta say, I agree with Hallmark’s emotional blackmail. I’m not going to tell you to enjoy every minute, because every minute is not enjoyable. But I will tell you not to wish any of it away. Soon enough you’ll trade the cuddles that come with sleepless nights for cuddle-less sleepless nights that come because your child is out on his or her own DRIVING A CAR or riding with another teen. 

I hate to be cliché, but when they say, “It’ll be here before you know it,” they’re RIGHT, darn it! 

So do yourself a favor. Grab yourself some tissues and a salty or sugary snack (because you will need to eat your feelings on this one), and give this Hallmark commercial a watch. I promise you, you’ll thank them! After you swear at them, of course.

Now go squeeze your babies tight!!

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Jenny Rapson

Jenny Rapson is a follower of Christ, a wife and mom of three from Ohio and a freelance writer and editor. You can find her at her blog, Mommin' It Up, or follow her on Twitter.

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