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This calling isn’t easy. Raising daughters. There is beauty and precious moments tucked into seeing our girls grow into the women God is calling them to be, but it surely comes with its own set of challenges. And if I were being honest, I’ve asked “why me?” too many times to count. I’ve questioned and double-guessed my ability to be a girl mom since the very moment my sweet little ladies were placed in my shaky arms.

Bringing up young ladies in a broken world that wants to conform, mold, and shape their hearts and minds into something they were never meant to be, quite honestly frightens me. The outside pressures are loud. I hear them. Just hoping they hear them too and can decipher which are false delights, hijacking their hearts and stealing their innocence and which things are true, real, and good.

Questions flood my heart.

Will they be strong, yet gentle?

Bold but kind?

Believing they were fearfully and wonderfully made while embracing their gifts and talents, using them to spread love?

RELATED: God Gave Me Daughters

Will they be seekers of Truth?

Will they believe in themselves and have the confidence to open their heart to a world that is ever-changing but still hold on tightly to their convictions?

How will they make an impact and remain true to who they are?

Will they embrace challenges with dignity and grace?

Honestly, I don’t have the answers to any of those questions. I’m not sure where their journey will take them. But I pray this life is good to them, and God shows up in mighty ways. 

While I want them to live life to its fullest, facing challenges with courage and integrity, deep down, I know they will fail.

And I will fail them.

That is so hard to accept. And while I hope they never encounter such challenges, I know they will. Those times will be hard to watch unfold. As much as I don’t want them to make choices that will break my heart, sadly, they already have. And I’ve taken it to heart. Oh, it’s so hard to put my pride aside and walk with humility while raising my little women. 

But . . . do they know? Do they know I see them? That I hear them? And with every fiber of my being, I want them to feel loved? To know how very special, they are? Do I tell them enough? Show them? Unfortunately, I don’t. I let them down.

The mother-daughter relationship is fragile. It comes with a bounty of highs and lows but is still joined together by two imperfect daughters. Two daughters with their own minds, ambitions, and hearts that desire different things in this life. Two daughters who long to feel special, treasured, and loved. Two daughters who long to feel understood. Two daughters who were fearfully and wonderfully made. 

Two beautifully messy daughters that crave to be fully known and still loved.

So, on those days I forget just how precious it is to be a girl mom, God reminds me of this:

I created them for a time such as this.

I have a purpose and many plans for them.

RELATED: Dear Daughter, You Are a Beautiful Reflection of God

I see the challenges they will be facing, and I hold their future.

I know what they are capable of and when they lean on me, they will change their world.

They are my daughters first.

Then as I gaze upon my little lady, seeing the beauty that she is, I am reminded of this:

She was given to you. 

Because you were my daughter first. 

I created you for this.

I have a plan and purpose for you. 

You will encounter challenges but lean on me. 

Maybe our role as their mom isn’t to have the answers or to get it all right. Maybe it’s simply to take a deep breath and just lean in. Lean in and trust—trust that God is covering His daughters . . . all of them. 

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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Alicia Searl

Alicia Searl is a devotional author, blogger, and speaker who is passionate about pouring out her heart and connecting with ladies of all ages. Her favorite people call her mom, which is why much of her time is spent cheering them on at a softball game or dance class. She is married to her heartthrob (a tall, spiky-haired blond) who can whip up a mean latte. She sips that goodness while writing her heart on a page while her puppy licks her feet. Visit her website at www.aliciasearl.com and connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.

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