Our Keepsake Journal is Here! 🎉

You do not have to clean the entire bathroom in order to take a bath.

You do not have to earn your rest.

Just dredge the waterlogged toys from the bottom of the tub and be done with it. Find that clay mud mask you got for Christmas, turn on your podcast, make some tea.

RELATED: Dear Busy Mom, There’s a Time To Be Martha and a Time To Be Mary

You do not have to exercise each and every day just because some beautiful and lovely people say it’s their key to happiness.

You hold your own keys.

You can be softer.

Put away those jeans that only fit sometimes.

Put away the bras that always hurt.

Put the softest things on top in the drawer, or on your body where they belong.

RELATED: Stop Feeling Guilty About Making Time For Yourself

Order a hair highlighting kit from the internet.

You are worthy of what you might have called wasted time.

P L A Y.

Remember you don’t have to succeed at thisyou don’t have to make it worthwhile to be worthy.

You are.

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

If God Could Rest, So Can You Mama

In: Faith, Motherhood
Mom and daughter in hammock

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. For six days he made the sky, the oceans, plants, and animals. His finishing touch was man and woman, and what did he do next? He rested. I like to think He took a nap. One of my mantras in life is, “When able, take a nap.” We run ourselves ragged as women. We balance a thousand different things and wrestle with a million decisions ranging from Do I buy Frozen 2 on Prime or wait until it streams on Disney+? to My child got in trouble at school for...

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Let’s Stop Pretending A Hot Shower Is A Good Enough “Break” For Moms

In: Motherhood

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I Need a Break, But I Never Take One

In: Motherhood
Tired mom, black-and-white photo

You know, there’s something funny about being a mom. We desperately need a break from our kids, but we aren’t taking them. We have hard, and I mean really hard days. We are mentally fried after tantrums and teething and sibling rivalry, and sometimes that baby on our boob all day is just too much togetherness. We need a minute. Or two, or ten, or (gasp) even an entire day. We are pouring from empty cups and bringing our cars in for gas with the engine light on empty. We wait until we breakdown before we step outside, hide in...

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