Our Keepsake Journal is Here! 🎉

My sweet girl had a nightmare last week and now won’t be in her room for bedtime alone. She won’t fall asleep without me sitting in her room with her, and if she wakes up at night, she screams until we come to her.

It’s hard because as much as I don’t want to see her scared, I know I can’t stay with her in her room forever.

As I sat there wearily last night waiting for her to fall asleep, I suddenly realized that I wished I could be more like her. She knew that as long as I was sitting there watching over her, she was safe. She would open her little eyes, check to make sure I was still there sitting in her chair and allow herself to fall asleep peacefully.

RELATED: I’ll Lay With You As Long As You Need, My Child

In her mind, I’m her protector and comfort. She could close her eyes and drift off to sleep because there was someone she trusted right there watching over her. And I realized that I wish I could trust in the same way.

I wished I could close my eyes and sleep peacefully no matter what I fear because my Heavenly Father was right there watching over me. His ever-present Spirit comforting me with His Presence. 

Fear has had a tight and restricting grip on me lately and sitting in that chair watching over my baby reminded me that I don’t have to be afraid. I can sleep peacefully knowing I am being watched over and protected even at my most vulnerable. I can rest my anxious mind knowing that at the end of the day, His peace can soothe my mind and let me drift off to sleep unafraid of what will happen tomorrow. 

RELATED: Even When You Don’t Feel God, He’s There

So as much as this tired mama wants to be in her own bed resting from her long day, I’ll sit a little longer in that chair knowing my presence is comforting my little girl, and thankful that it reminds me that my Father is watching over His girl. 

And unlike me, He will never tire of that job. 

And I hope it teaches my little girl that even when she doesn’t have her mama watching over her, Someone even stronger and loving has got her covered. 

Originally published on the author’s Instagram page

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Natalie Howson Price

I live with my husband and two babes in Ontario, Canada.  I love to encourage others through my writing and believe that being vulnerable in my sharing can give others hope in their similar struggles.  

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