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Tell me a little about yourself. When did you start blogging and why?

I’m from a close-knit community in rural Upper Michigan. Over the past few years, several friends and acquaintances from my community have endured major trials such as cancer, tragic accidents, children diagnosed with life-threatening medical conditions, and so on. These friends have exhibited incredible strength, dedication and resilience through their trials. I couldn’t get their stories out of my head – I wanted to share them with the world so that others could be inspired and encouraged in their own walks.

Revisions of Grandeur was birthed when my friend Gwen agreed to share the story of her son Blake’s diagnosis with Spinal Muscular Atrophy. I wrote my first installment of Grand Edits guest features, and it was well-received by our community and beyond. I’ve since worked with seven more guests in sharing stories that have touched the hearts of thousands of readers.

Revisions of Grandeur also includes encouraging personal essays about my experiences caring for five stinky but lovable boys (my hubby, three sons, and beasty goldendoodle), and my pursuits to be a decent homeschool teacher, yoga instructor, daughter and friend. I’m excited for a new thread (coming soon!) called “Darndest Things” that features reader-submitted quotes and antics from kiddos.


What are some of your favorite sites on the ‘net?

I love writers who have tenderness, humor, and a little sass! Sarah Bessey, Jen Hatmaker, Glennon Melton, and Shauna Niequist are my sheroes. I also dig The Minimalists and The Yellow Table (a must-follow if you love to cook!)

What does a typical day look like for you?

My day ALWAYS starts with strong, black coffee. I’m up by five for quiet time, and out the door by six for the YMCA where I teach yoga and then hang around for spin class. Once I’m home, the day is a mix of homeschooling my boys, doing chores and cooking, writing, running around to kids’ groups and activities, and trying to steal some time in the woods or on the water. When my three boys are tucked into bed, I’m not far behind them. Okay, maybe they’ve tucked me in a few times.


What advice do you have for someone who wants to blog or share her/his story?

Stick to a schedule that works with your life, and write about topics you’re nuts about! Readers can tell if you’re interested in the subject, or just writing to produce a post.

When I first started sharing my writing publicly, I wished I were as funny as this person or as witty as that one. I don’t put that pressure on myself anymore. My voice and style are uniquely mine, and yours are exclusively yours!

What story are you most proud of?

I was nervous about publishing The Things We do for Love (Dirty Jobs: Daughter Edition) because I wasn’t sure how my dad would feel about being “exposed,” but I followed my gut instinct that it was going to be okay.

A few days later, the story was selected for the WordPress Freshly Pressed feed, giving me the opportunity to connect with an audience of amazing readers from around the world. It was the boost of confidence I needed as a novice blogger, and it spurred me on toward honesty, humor, and writing that begs to connect with others. The whole experience was a solid  reminder that authenticity can be risky, but it’s what we writers and readers desire from one another.

How can people follow you?

I’d be tickled if you’d follow me over at Revisions of Grandeur! You can also find me on Facebook, sporadically on Twitter, or on the back roads of Upper Michigan.


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Stacy Harrison

Stacy Harrison lives in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with her husband, three sons and a Goldendoodle who wasn’t supposed to shed. When she’s isn’t moonlighting as a wrestling referee (Living Room Floor Federation), Stacy enjoys writing non-fiction, primarily to-do lists and grocery lists. Visit Stacy’s blog, https://revisionsofgrandeur.com/

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