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Throughout our lives, there are so many people who come and go. Some are only there for a season or two while others remain for a lifetime. Friendships are made and lost. Sometimes just from getting older and life taking you in different directions, and sometimes it’s from a specific falling out. Either way, these bonds are not easily forgotten. 

And I want you to know that if you were ever a part of my life, no matter how short of time it may have been, I haven’t forgotten you. You’d be amazed at the little things that bring up your memory—a song, movie, place, food, drink, and even more. These things take me back to simpler times. And each of these things is tied to specific memories.

That one song that reminds me of my friend from elementary school, how we made up our own dance (which I remember every step of to this day) and would walk around outside every recess singing and dancing without a single care of who saw or heard.

RELATED: Some Friendships Aren’t Meant to Last Forever

That one snack that reminds me of sleepovers had in middle school and how we stayed up late gossiping and laughing and having the time of our lives.

That one movie I saw in the theater with my best friend in high school and the mischief we got into back then. 

That one place I only ever went with one friend, and how anytime I think about it or it comes up or I drive by there, I’m reminded of all the times we spent there when we were kids.

It’s all of this and more.

We may not speak anymore for whatever reason, but I want you to know your memory lives on in my heart. I think of you often and wonder what your life is like now. I pray for you still to this day and wish you the absolute best in your life, no matter how our story ended.

Many (though not all) of you are on my social media even though we don’t ever actually talk, and I follow your life and cheer you on from the background silently. 

I’ve seen as you’ve graduated college, gotten married, bought a house, had children, traveled the world, done amazing things, and I’ve rooted you on at every turn. I’ve seen the hardships and heartbreak, and I’ve mourned with you too. You may not have known it, but it’s true.

RELATED: Dear Daughter, Friendships Are Like Blue Jeans

So while we may not be close now, I just want you to know I still care. I still wish the best for you. You’re still a part of me even to this day, and you will never be forgotten. 

I thank each of you for the part you had in my life, no matter how big or small. All of it made me into who I am today. We sure had some good times. And though it may be over now I will never forget a single moment.

So God Made a Mother book by Leslie Means

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So God Made a Mother's Story Keepsake Journal

Moriah Couch

I am happily married to a hard-working and loving husband. I'm passionate about mental health as I have struggled my whole life with depression and anxiety, and more recently was diagnosed with autism, ADHD, excoriation (skin picking) disorder, and PTSD. I am a SAHM and homeschool my three beautiful children. All three of my children are diagnosed with autism, and two of them also have ADHD. I'm a follower of Jesus on a journey of maintaining my own mental health through it all and sharing my experiences in the hopes of spreading awareness and encouraging others along the way. You can follow me on Facebook or Instagram @lifewiththecouches

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